About Us
Leeds Theatre in Education is an educational theatre company.
All our plays are suitable for adult community groups, children and young people – in and out of a school setting – professional groups and conferences. We use the world of the play to enable groups to safely explore sensitive issues through discussion, creative group work and drama.
The core of our work is delivered within Leeds, but we also work regionally and nationally. Our programmes are designed to enable participants to talk safely about sensitive issues relevant to their lives and increase empathy and understanding of their own and others’ experiences.
We have two programmes currently available for booking.
One of Fagin’s Boys – supporting work on domestic violence and abuse, crime and anti-social behaviour, health and well being, emotional literacy, bullying, alcohol and drug misuse.
The Real Boy – supporting work on health and wellbeing, safeguarding, emotional literacy and PSHCE (issues include domestic violence, disability awareness, alcohol misuse and racism).
Starting with a play our programmes also includes a workshop element and follow up packs. We can adapt each programme to fit the needs of the group(s) you are working with and support you with your follow up work.
We deliver our work in your place. The key is simplicity, the space required is kept to a minimum and the get in and get out is quick. All members of Leeds TiE have current enhanced CRB checks in place, are insured and can provide references.