We specialise in the use of drama and theatre to enable people to talk safely about difficult issues. We provide professional development training for teachers, third sector organisations and their volunteers, housing associations, medical professionals, police, students including teaching, medicine, social care and performing arts.
“It was the best training I have ever been to, nobody will have left untouched by it.”
Our professional training packages can be customised to meet the needs of your organisation.
More recent training has included:
Safeguarding Training
Our safeguarding children and young people training takes place over a three hour workshop. Workshops start with a performance of one of our plays then groups use the world of the play to safely explore issues surrounding Safeguarding.
This training will:
• Raise awareness of the issues surrounding the Safeguarding of children and young people
• Introduce staff to your organisation’s child protection policy and procedures
• Help staff identify signs and typical indicators of a child at risk and know what to do in response to concerns
• Enable staff to explore barriers – what might stop a member of staff from taking action
• Discuss issues surrounding reporting and the role of staff in relation to your organisation’s policy
• Enable staff from different departments to share their knowledge and experience of Safeguarding which can be used to inform future policy/procedure developments
Creative Approaches Towards Literacy
A CPD residency for teachers supporting and inspiring teachers to use creative approaches towards literacy with their students.
The CPD work supports and inspires teachers to use creative approaches towards literacy in their classrooms by:
• Joining us in the rehearsal room and getting an insight into how professional theatre-makers develop and restructure a text into a series of interactive drama sessions;
• Taking part in delivering the work to their children using many drama techniques such as: teacher in and out of role; open questioning; freeze frame; narrating; location mapping and sound tracking;
• Using teacher learning diaries to log their own progress throughout the project which is used in a final evaluation, pinpointing the skills that have transferred;
• Working with two highly experienced professional actor/facilitators, teachers will be able to take risks in safe and supported sessions with their classes.
“The children have been instantly engaged with the text. It’s quite a difficult text for them, but they’ve got really into the sub plot and have a much deeper understanding. They can see the story is multi-layered.”
“I’m more confident to use whole class drama. I will use the techniques in other story telling sessions… I’ve never done anything where I felt so involved, participating and taking a role. Loved it. Still buzzing.”
This training aims to raise the confidence of both pupils and teachers, and the experience can be used as a starting point for quality writing exercises. It is especially beneficial to schools prioritising writing, speaking and listening skills.