2020 marks 50 years since Leeds Playhouse TIE Company began. It’s 26 years since we left the Playhouse and we’re still creating and delivering educational theatre programmes for disadvantaged children and adults in Leeds.
As one of the few TIE companies still in existence, we want to try to capture and record the work so professionals, students and anyone who’s interested can see how and why it’s made and the impact it has on audiences.
So we’re planning a legacy project, using video, podcasts and social media to document the process of creating a theatre in education programme from the search for funding, through devising, researching, writing, rehearsal to the pilot performances, scheduled for Spring 2020.
Alongside this we intend to create a record of Leeds TIE from the beginning in 1970 through its various stages of evolution to the present. As part of this history we want to invite people to share their memories of the work.
If you want to follow the project, get involved and contribute or you just want more information then look out for our new Facebook page (LEEDS TIE Legacy Project), updates on twitter or email us at theatreineducation@hotmail.com